Amazing Attractions to Visit in Barcelona

  1. Casa Mila “La Pedrera”

La Pedrera is one of Antoni Gaudí’s most famous buildings. This building has innovative functionality and it is considered a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This was the last residential building Gaudí completed. Inside the visitor center, you can see some of this architect’s work and inspirations. The five floors are comprised of forty-five hundred square meters. During your tour, you will have the chance to see columns, courtyards, and numerous types of rooms. The façade offers wrought iron balconies and you won’t be able to resist the views from the roof. You just might miss them if you are too focused on the sculpted chimneys though.

  1. Barcelona Cathedral

You will discover that this cathedral was constructed at a site where an early Christian basilica once stood. Despite being constructed during part of the Romanesque period, this entire building is mainly Gothic. There is not too much beauty on the inside, which is a stark contrast to the outside. However, on the inside, you can see the naves and side chapels. Your best views of the inside will be from those side chapels. The main façade is interesting, but it is the doorway from the cloister that will capture your attention the most.

  1. Palau de la Música Catalana Auditorium

The work on this building was started by Lluís Domènech i Montaner in 1905. It was completed approximately three years later. This is one of the main concert halls in the entire world. Inside this auditorium, you will find ceramic mosaics and polychrome glass that contains floral motifs. This is another one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the city.

  1. Gran Liceu Theatre

Back after the War of Succession, opera was used as entertainment. This building was constructed, so the king, troops, and public could watch the performances. When you arrive, you will learn that this theater was constructed over what was once the location of the Trinitarian Convent. The shape of this theater is a horseshoe and back when it was constructed, it was considered the largest theater in Europe. There have been two fires over the years, but it has been rebuilt. Therefore, only certain sections of the theater are original.

  1. National Art Museum of Catalonia (MNAC)

There is one thousand years of art inside this one museum. As you wander through the exhibits, you will discover there are all types of art disciplines to see. Therefore, you will find yourself looking at paintings, sculptures, engravings, drawings, photography, and coin collections. This is an excellent way to see how art has changed in Catalonia over the years. A few of the most notable artists include Torres-Garcia, El Greco, Velázquez, and Gaudí.

  1. Camp Nou Stadium

Originally this stadium was called Estadi del FC Barcelona when it opened. However, the name was officially changed in 2001. The most matches of the FC have been held in this stadium over any other stadium since 1957. Camp Nou Stadium is considered a five-star stadium that holds approximately ninety-nine thousand spectators. When you have a ticket to enter the stadium you will also gain entry to the FC Barcelona Museum, dressing rooms for the visiting teams, and the club shop. This complex is so big, there are multiple restaurants, television studios, and offices located there.

  1. Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art (MACBA)

This museum is filled with works of art from the last fifty plus years. MACBA only opened back in 1995, so it isn’t surprising it doesn’t contain any works of art other than from the second half of the 20th century. Inside, you will find art created by artists like Paul Klee, Mario Merz, and Francesc Torres.

  1. Basilica of La Sagrada Familia

This basilica has been under construction for quite some time and there is great excitement that it will be completed within the next few years. Francisco de Paula began this extensive project and Gaudí took over after his death. Gaudí kept the original layout of this building, but he changed the style. The chapel of San José, door of El Nacimiento, and the crypt were the only things that were completed by Gaudí’s death. The entire exterior contains bright colored decorative elements, as does the façade. If you look closely over the La Pasión door, you will see there is a cryptogram located there.

  1. Picasso Museum in Barcelona

This museum is a clear example of how the artist and this city were explicitly linked. This city is where Picasso received his schooling. But it is also where he gained artistic inspiration to create his own original art.

  1. Casa Batlló

Casa Batlló was created by Gaudí and it is considered one of the jewels of Art Nouveau. Gaudí took the existing home and completely transformed it into this masterpiece. The inside of the courtyard has ceramic tiles that go from dark blue at the top to white at the bottom. Catenary arches are part of the attic, while the roof terrace looks like a dragon’s flank.

These are the ten amazing attractions you must see when you are visiting Barcelona. There are many other attractions you can add to your itinerary, but these are the ones you shouldn’t miss.